If you’re looking for new sources of advertising revenue for your school or facility, one of the most effective methods is by using an LED programmable message board. Advertising has become an important consideration in sports, and most scoreboards offer spaces that can be rented to advertisers to generate revenue that helps offset the new scoreboard expense. Advancements in technology have made it possible to add message boards which can be programmed, and changed in a very short time. The Watchfire Signs we sell are a perfect example of top quality programmable message boards. The benefits are incredible, because this advertising does not require a lot of time and effort to change like traditional advertising spaces do. Instead of having to send people to take down the old ads and put up new ones, you can do it all with very little effort and in just a few minutes time with a computer.
Digital advertising can be an exceptional source of revenue for any school or sports team, and scoreboards that include at least one programmable message board will significantly increase the appeal your facility or school has. Fans will travel much farther when the facilities and scoring equipment is modern and updated, and you can sell space on the programmable LED message board to advertisers. Setting up the ads for display is simple, using Ignite Graphics technology you just key in the messages that you want to appear on the board and you are done. There is no long delay, or physical effort required on your part. When you install these boards you may notice that your revenue jumps up quite a bit, because advertisers will be willing to pay more to use the programmable LED message board and advertise their business or products.
A programmable LED message board can be set up to display any characters that you choose, and programming the console is very simple, and easy to learn. The Ignite Graphics technology can turn the usual scoreboard and scoring system into a state of the art system, which generates much more revenue for your facility and is preferred by your advertisers. Changing the display is a snap, so if the advertisers change all you have to do is reprogram the programmable LED message board and you are ready for the new message to be displayed. The user interface with these boards is very simple, so you do not have to spend hours just trying to learn how to program the messages you want.