Once we receive the order for your sign, our team will work with you or your corporate marketing team to create messages that meet your specifications and are in line with your company’s brand strategy and style guide.
BASS Custom Signs designer Randy Comeaux excels in creating custom sign designs. Each design includes a detailed needs analysis and wayfinding services to evaluate and establish the most effective means of informing and directing visitors, patients, patrons and customers throughout a facility.
We are prepared to assist clients in numerous ways as they begin their next sign design project. When creating a custom sign design, we are proud to offer sign design services in a way that is totally unique to the project requirements. The team performs site and visibility analysis, determines zoning requirements, and makes recommendations for overall custom sign designs, size, type styles, and color to communicate the messages with full effect. In addition, the designs specify structural supports, lighting, fastening methods and electrical requirements to ensure the long-term value of a signage investment.